How do you live spiritually?

           I would like my life to be a statement of love and compassion- and where it isn’t, that’s where my work lies. -Ram Dass 

             Two years ago I opened up a Yoga studio. Truthfully, life is really fulfilling and beautiful and complicated, and challenging all entangled into the outcome of two years. As many of you can relate i’m sure, these past two years were pretty shitty. At SoulWorks we’ve operated as a business about 85% in the Covid Pandemic. We opened about 5 months before we had to close our doors and redirect our goals and operations. To be honest, it sucked, but there are two sides to every story. The angel and the devil on my shoulders constantly argued with eachother. On one hand we had SO much support from our community (reason 5362 why I love small towns), on the other I still had rent to pay and a business to continue to build without the one thing that makes yoga special, connection! 

yoga meme

Something I’ve observed from my small business is that no matter what happens in life, may it be a global pandemic, someone who tells you failure is imminent, or just a plain old bad day; we have a choice to make in every circumstance. Every interaction we have is an exchange of energy to the thing or person you’re interacting with. Most often, I even admit, it is difficult to exchange good and positive energy when challenging times create challenging interactions and exchanges. I have seen good and thoughtful interplays of well wishes and health to others, and I most definitely have seen dense energy offered to others through dis-ease and despair. But, we as individuals always have the option right? It is usually the easier path to succumb to our dis-ease in these times, obviously, but are you here to succumb to the dark energy that we keep trapped in the deep corners of our mind? Bliss in this life is optional, and it’s a lot of work to get there but it is accessible.

No one is creating life, but you. All of the decisions that you make guide you either deeper or further away from your truest most authentic self. That is where most peoples understanding of spirituality comes in. Why are we becoming better people? Why do the harder thing? Why change your attitude when everything sucks? I believe it is a divine calling to be happy and spiritually healthy. I believe the world contains far more happiness than darkness. I believe in glass half full. I believe in doing the right thing even when no one else in the room is. It raises our individual vibration in that moment and helps to raise the collective vibration of that space. 

You have the key to your head and your heart, all you have to do is find the door. I found my door through yoga. On my mat I can access the naturally blissful spaces in my bodies; energetic body, physical body, & emotional body. Your door may be found elsewhere, in Dance, in expressing a passion through a hobby, In anything that makes your soul sing. As soon as I defined my spirituality, I laid a very clear path down which I believe helped my journey in this life. I may love my Tevas and It may also be a possibility that I burning incense too often (no such thing) but yoga truly brought me to a place of love and peace within, and there I will stay always a student & always learning.  

I define my spirituality as a purpose, guided by a higher power, that brings you closest to your truest most pure self. This self is someone we have to work to discover. Having this purpose comes with responsibilities, which includes kindness, compassion, self-love, awareness of yourself and others around you, and a real application of these things in everything you do and feel. This kind of spirituality is hard to attain, and takes dedication to self and empathetic awareness of others. A spiritual person sees himself in all other people, and acknowledges the light and fragile emotions in all things, human and non-human alike. A spiritual person knows that we are all experiencing the same perpetuation of life in different manifestations and purposes. A spiritual person must possess compassion for all things and dedication to using this compassion to build themselves up into something better and more purposeful than the day before. The light in your eyes and the look on your face must represent your will to be kind both inward and outward. A spiritual person knows that constant work on all of these things is a must, and will bring you closer to your truest self, which is parallel with the truest self of the higher power that lead you there. 

How do you live spiritually?

Tonight we have a most glorious opportunity to be spiritual! We celebrate the Harvest Full Moon in Pisces. I have three wonderful ways to do just that. 

  1. It’s good to have some type of framework when it comes to establishing spiritual traditions. So make an experience that puts your heart into context for growth and understanding. Get your key, and open your head and heart with whatever way suits you, and make sure whatever you do tonight do it with full gratitude to give thanks for all of the exiting blessings in your life. You can always join us at SoulWorks to help guide you into your own spiritual framework, or maybe just to move your body & tension. Tonight will be a special meditation and yoga class at 6pm. crystals
  2. My favorite way to cultivate magic in my life is to charge my crystals on a Full Moon. I design them on my charging plate and usually put them on a mirror to enhance the charge. Set them outside at dusk just as the full moon is rising and they will have a special charge of power and energy the next morning. 
  3. A new found endeavor of mine is to make moon water. There are many historical practices that guide us to harness the moons energy to store it for the cycle of the month, to last us until the next full moon. Grab a Glass jar or bowl, fill it with distilled water or spring water, and set it next to your charging crystals overnight & make sure to set a mindful intention. Tomorrow you’ll have a powerful source of hydration to put in a spray bottle with some carrier oil & calming lavender oil to spray your face in the morning when you wake up and at night before you go to bed. You can also use it to cleanse a space, much like sage, moon water holds energy to clear blockages in physical spaces, so spray it all over your home as well! Some even suggest drinking your moon water to earn the vitality of the moons energy. For centuries collecting moon water has been a traditional practice. A spiritual guide and coach Emma Halley says, “Water is a supremely programmable substance, which means it takes on the energetic properties of things around it quite easily,” she says. “Since we are 60 percent water, [moon water] can help us integrate, connect with, and manifest the intentions we have via the water.” I don’t know about you but I’ll honor our ancestors whimsical ways of healing as much as possible.

Astrologically speaking this emotional moon is full during a water sign, Pisces. Pisces rules the feet, so tonight is a good night to both give and receive a nice foot rub from your significant other. Another way to treat the feet is to give “earthing” a try. Just as the moon rises go outside in your bare feet and step into the grass close your eyes and imagine a deep connection to our mother earth, feel her and the moon cleanse and then charge you. Vesta, the asteroid, which symbolizes passion and devotion, enters emotive Scorpio on Sept. 20, giving us supercharged water energy full of spiritual reflection as we seek our truest desires. Tonight is a good night to fall asleep visualizing your dreams and making them a reality tomorrow. Remember dreams start in the heart, move to the mind, and then manifest in reality.

Look beyond your current reality and broaden your horizons, it is a good time for spiritual practice and inner explorations.

Thanks for reading,



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